Bitchy Humiliatrix Treats Men like Shit

 Humiliatrix Phone Sexhumiliatrix phone sex

Our Phone Sex Babes are not typical girls. But deep down within many of our babes lie a bitchy beast. Sometimes they just love to humiliate men, especially the sniveling wimpy guys who sort of deserve it. These babes are excellent at verbal humiliation, insults, and making you feel like shit. The words just flow from their tongues in amazing ways. I know that some ladies can be quite cruel. They might tease you and then deny you release… all the while laughing. The babes I am talking about love to tease and then deny men, whip them into a frenzy, and then laugh at their begging. It’s a very special skill to be a true Humiliatrix.



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$10 Phone Sex

Pay by Phone

Pay by PhoneThe billing system is automated. This means you will enter all of your own credit card information and can pay by phone. It's easy and painless. Billing is VERY secure! No human being has access to more than the last 4 digits of your CC. This Follows all Banking and PCI guidelines. 


You can choose your girl by her extension number and enter all of your info. This opens an "account" with our service. Once you have done this... you will in the future be recognized by the telephone number you call from. You can add funds to your account in any amount you choose. Add a little to avoid overspending. Or add $100 or more and use that for multiple calls. You never lose your funds until you use them all!


Pay Online

Some callers prefer to pay online and this is very easily done with our system. Again, it's quick and painless and you control what you spend. You can add as much in funds to your account as you'd like. Add $100 and then deduct each call from that because you never lose your money. It remains in your account until you use it. Or add small amounts and have full control over what you spend!


Signing up online has more benefits because you can easily see your spending report! You can save certain ladies as your favorites, you can leave feedback on your call, and you can also email girls in your account for FREE. 


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$10 Phone Sex

Pay by Phone

Pay by PhoneThe billing system is automated. This means you will enter all of your own credit card information and can pay by phone. It's easy and painless. Billing is VERY secure! No human being has access to more than the last 4 digits of your CC. This Follows all Banking and PCI guidelines. 


You can choose your girl by her extension number and enter all of your info. This opens an "account" with our service. Once you have done this... you will in the future be recognized by the telephone number you call from. You can add funds to your account in any amount you choose. Add a little to avoid overspending. Or add $100 or more and use that for multiple calls. You never lose your funds until you use them all!


Pay Online

Some callers prefer to pay online and this is very easily done with our system. Again, it's quick and painless and you control what you spend. You can add as much in funds to your account as you'd like. Add $100 and then deduct each call from that because you never lose your money. It remains in your account until you use it. Or add small amounts and have full control over what you spend!


Signing up online has more benefits because you can easily see your spending report! You can save certain ladies as your favorites, you can leave feedback on your call, and you can also email girls in your account for FREE. 


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